Annual Research Day – 18th May
Argument: The Art of Persuasion
MacMillan Hall, Senate House
10:30am – 5:00pm with reception to follow
Agreement and disagreement, debate and dissent are central to the ways in which knowledge in the Arts and Humanities is proposed and made, explored and understood but what is argument and how are we persuaded?
10:30 Welcome – Professor Clare Lees, LAHP Director
10:45 Beyond Argumentation – Professor Sarah Churchwell, Chair in Public Understanding of the Humanities, School of Advanced Study
11:15 The Argument on High: Debates and Arguments in the Arts and Humanities -Professor Jo Wolff, Dean of Arts and Humanities, UCL
11:45 Break
12:00 Voice and Persuasion – Jeannette Nelson, Head of Voice, National Theatre & guests
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Dr Gauti Sigthorsson (University of Greenwich) – ‘Exquisite Corpus: Arguing from Text Data’
14:45 Break
15:15 Research-in-progress presentations
Emil Stjernholm (Lund/UCL) – ‘Biography as argument’
Francesca Alfrey (KCL) and Ruth Bernatek (UCL) – ‘Poetry of Place: An Interdisciplinary Conversation’
16:00 Break
16:15 Lessons from Classical Rhetoric – Professor Edith Hall, Professor of Classics, King’s College London
17:00 Drinks reception until 6pm
Book your free ticket on Eventbrite
Please see details for the pre-event at Enitharmon Editions Gallery and Bookshop on 17th May here