Vision and Aims
LAHP provides the strongest possible foundation for capacity, quality and creativity for doctoral research in the Arts and Humanities. Working with its HEI and non-HEI partners, LAHP supports doctoral students to become experts in their chosen fields and to develop the skills, knowledge and experience required not only for their research but also for their future careers in academia and beyond.
Through its training and cohort development programme, collaborations and partnerships, and the resources and opportunities provided by its London location, LAHP’s vision is for its doctoral students to achieve their full potential as civically-minded, globally-aware, socially-engaged, ethical and impactful scholars. LAHP aims to be a positive force for change by strengthening and diversifying research, impact and engagement across the Arts & Humanities within higher education and the wider sector.
LAHP is:
Collaborative: committed to working effectively with students, supervisors, HEI and non-HEI partners, other DTPs and the AHRC;
Engaged: across the partnership and beyond, with a wide range of organizations, with London and our alumni;
Ambitious: for the highest quality doctoral research across the Arts & Humanities and for our students’ future careers in academia and beyond;
Transformative: for our students, the partnership, the Arts & Humanities sector, London and the world;
Inclusive: committed to enhancing equality, diversity and inclusion in all of LAHP’s work, and open to diverse approaches and subjects in Arts & Humanities research;
Ethical: ensuring integrity in all that we do.
You can read more about AHRC doctoral training in this booklet.