Student Networks

LAHP supports and encourages its students to set up networks and reading groups. We are currently reviewing these networks to see which are still active, and how we can best support their activities. If you are one of the organisers of an active student network, or you would like to set one up, please complete this form by 16 December 2024.

Previous student-led networks have included:

  • Black and Global Majority network
  • Carers (both children and elderly)
  • Decolonial Research Methodologies Reading Group
  • Disability network (both physical and neuro divergent)
  • LGBTQ+
  • Mature students
  • Non-London based students
  • Mental health support group
  • Disciplinary or thematic network
  • Practice-based students
  • Part-time students 
  • Fieldwork students
  • Female researchers
  • Network for students with no academic background
  • International students
  • Environmental activism
  • Graduate teaching assistants

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Practice-based and Art-based Research Reading Group led by Josefina Vidal Miranda:

My name is Josefina, I am a second-year PhD student in the CMCI department at King’s College London. I am organising a reading group focused on art-based and practice-based research, and I would be delighted to have you participate. Please email me if you are interested in joining the group:

About the Group: The reading group meets once a month in the REACH Space at King’s College London (Strand Campus) to discuss two readings. It serves as a collaborative space where every participant is encouraged to contribute readings or topics for exploration. Each session will be led by a different participant, and I am always available to assist with the readings and facilitate discussions.

Readings and Organisation: Please email me if you would like to join the group and access to the readings will be made available to you via a OneDrive folder. The topics I have suggested for readings are open for further suggestions. I invite you to sign up for a session you would like to lead and to propose any readings or questions you wish to explore.

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