‘Are we all in the same boat?’ – Two-day workshop – 2020/21 (Previous Staff-Led Events)

Date for 2020/21 TBC 

This two-day-long workshop brings 16 postgraduate students together with 4 academics or research-led
practitioners whose work explores the socio-political unevenness of both the effects of climate change and the
historical responsibilities that underpin it. The event aims to engage critically with a tendency prevalent in
involved in climate change and ecological disasters are distributed evenly across the socio-political spectrum.
Each academic or research-led practitioner will lead a half-day workshop with postgraduate students interested in
relevant topics and issues, offering detailed insight into their research processes and outcomes.

Each workshop session will begin with the workshop leader presenting their work for about 40 minutes and receiving immediate questions on the presentation, followed by a series of short semi-structured presentations(10-15 minutes) by workshop participants (max. 4 per session) who will share relevant snippets of their own work to then culminate in a group discussion on what has been said in the session.To prepare for the workshop sessions,participants will have been given texts (2 articles or book chapters per session) and other relevant material (e.g.,documentaries,websites,etc.).Reflecting on this material as well as their own research, participants will be
asked to formulate a 1000-word response and to share this during the workshop. The workshop leader will be
free to form at the interactive part of their half-day session in whatever way they see fit (e.g.,organizing small
group discussions, mind-mapping, brainstorming, or other hands-on methods aiming to produce scenarios or
explore case studies,etc.).Workshopleaderswillberequestedtomaketheefforttogiveparticipantsaccessto
“behind-the-scenes”aspects of their research,talking about what sorts of material or methods they use in
developinganempiricallygroundedcritiqueoftheAnthropoceneandthechallenges,if any,they have faced
throughout the research process. While the event is interdisciplinary,empirical common ground is achieved
through a focus on space(i.e.,the built environment,cities,landscapes,spatially charged art, heritage sites,
and/or visual representations of these).

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