Research: Framings and Reframing – Exploring the Intersections of Social Sciences and the Arts and Humanities.
25th January to 21st February 2022 (5 sessions)
Course Description:
This course is best suited to those who are close to finalising their research design for a study with a qualitative component. The interconnected five sessions will problematise existing research approaches within the Social Sciences and the Arts and Humanities. Sessions will facilitate an exploration of alternative perspectives through a reframing of existing research paradigms with a view towards reimagining qualitative research as a libertarian engagement between the researcher, and the researched.
Session 1: Framing: Researcher Positionality – Tuesday 25th January 2022, 10am-12pm
Session 2: Framing: Scoping and Problematising the Eurocentric Research Landscape – Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 2-4pm
Session 3: Framing: The Politics of Western Qualitative Research – Tuesday 8th February 2022, 10am-12pm
Session 4: Reframing Researcher Positionality, assessing the dynamics – Wednesday 16th February 2022 2-4pm
Session 5: Reframing Research, towards a libertarian engagement – Monday 21st February 2022 – 2-4pm
Workshop tutor: Dr Javeria Shah
Registration information/requirements
There are 20 spaces available and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. This is a workshop series and participants are therefore expected to attend all each session.
Please book a place here via the workshop registration form
The deadline for booking a place is Friday the 21st January at 5pm.
Additional readings:
Chilisa, B., 2020. Indigenous research methodologies. 2nd ed. London: SAGE.
Gergen, K., 2015. An invitation to social construction. London [etc.]: Sage.