Daniel Willis (UCL) - 2014-15 Students

The Testimony of Space: Exploring Sites of Violence and Memory in Peru’s Internal Armed Conflict

Almost twelve years since the publication of the Comisión de la Verdad y Reconciliación’s Informe Final, the Shining Path insurrection which engulfed Peru in the last two decades of the twentieth century remains a highly political issue of race, justice and memory. However, whilst the current body of literature on the conflict has developed significantly during this time with contributions from many different academic fields, little attention has been paid to the spatiality of the conflict. Spatial practices and processes not only produce violence, they shape ideas about, and the manifestation of, concepts including race, justice and memory. For this reason this research project will attempt to fill the gap in the current body of literature from which a spatial approach to Peru’s internal armed conflict is missing.

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