A Celebration of Women’s Achievements in Music – 8th March 2018

In the context of International Women’s Day, the Music Department at KCL features women’s contributions to contemporary ‘art’ music with a concert featuring works by the established and emerging composers Silvina Milstein and her student Effy Efthymiou (LAHP award holder). As a showcase for contemporary female achievement in ‘Western art music’ – formerly a forbidding domain for women composers – the concert is unapologetically celebratory. However, a post-concert discussion with the composers, chaired by musicologist Matthew Head, adds complexity by exploring what the category of ‘woman composer’ means to them.
Effy Efthymiou
Where they flocked / for mixed quintet with percussion
Even if it is only a whisper / for violin duo
Silvina Milstein
ochre, umber and burnt sienna, (inspired by Vermeer’s paintings of women pondering in their private spaces)/ for mixed septet with harp
and told her in words that have no sound … from The Unending Rose/ for solo violin
cristales y susurros (crystal and whispers);ripples left by a magical night as it is forgotten to later resurface as torn lace, shimmering silk and spilt champagne/ for mixed septet with harp
Book of Shadows, second movement: The Sentence /inspired by Poe’s ‘The pit and the pendulum’)/ for string
Round-table discussion (Mathew Head, Silvina Milstein & Effy Efthymiou)
An AHRC-funded doctoral training partnership to mark International Women’s Day 2018
As places are limited to 45, please book online via Eventbrite.