KCL / UCL Annual Hebrew Bible Day Workshop – 13th May 2021 (Previous Staff-Led Events)
13th May 2021
King’s College London and University College London have established an annual joint Hebrew Bible Day Workshop. The first event, focusing on ‘Foreign Nations in the Prophets’, will take place at King’s on Thursday 13th May 2021, with Professor Hugh Williamson as visiting key-note speaker and an open call for papers, issued in January.
The purpose of the annual Workshop is to foster the serious and informed study of this great text, which has a fitting place in an Arts and Humanities Partnership, as a classic of world literature whose influence is pervasive. This is William Blake’s ‘Great Code of Art’ and popular culture too remains soaked in the Bible, from Bob Dylan to Stormzy. It is, of course, a scriptural text for Jews and for Christians, and holds a place of honour for Muslims, Bahais, and Rastafarians.
This establishes a collaboration between LAHP’s two centres of Hebrew Bible study, and to do so by focusing on an annual event for doctoral students at our two departments, drawing in doctoral students from other UK centres.
Full programme and booking details will be available in due course.