Neurodivergence and Dyslexia workshop series

Dates: Wednesday 3rd March 2021, Wednesday 10th March 2021, Wednesday 17th March 2021. All taking place from 1-2pm.

Session 1: Does that make sense? Recognising neurodivergence (including dyslexia/dyspraxia)

This session explores the signs and lived experiences of being neurodivergent and the impact it may have on you as a researcher. 

Session 2: Neurodivergence is my superpower: The creativity of neurodivergent thinking and research practice

This session will address the positive potential of being a dyslexic researcher. We will discuss ways of researching and working, practical tips and approaches. We will offer practical and pragmatic tips on what to do if you recognise/know that you are a neurodivergent learner.

Session 3: “If you are neurodivergent you’ll never get a job in HE” and other myths – How do I make myself heard as a neurodivergent researcher?  ​ 

How to facilitate a better learning experience. This session will offer suggestions of ways of working with neurodivergence (including liaising and conversations with supervisor); the viva and ways of preparing; what neurodivergent researchers are entitled to ​through an equity lens. ​It will also consider how to make you and your research heard beyond the PhD. 

This is conceived as a series for up to 25 participants, however the sessions can also be attended individually.

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