Writing and giving conference presentations in the humanities
2nd and 3rd November 2020, 10am to 5pm, taking place remotely over Zoom.
This workshop combines an introduction to academic conferences, abstracts and presentations, with a practical session on the second day – run as a mock-conference – in which the participants have the opportunity to rehearse the delivery of their own sample presentations, handle questions and receive feedback. This is a 2 days including a half-day on writing conference abstracts for up to 16 participants. http://www.lucianconsulting.com/conference-presentations.html
Please note that participants will need to prepare a short (5-minute) sample presentation on some aspect of their research for delivery on the second day, which will be run as a mock-conference, with students delivering their sample presentations, taking questions from the other participants, and giving each other feedback afterwards. The presentations should be representative (in miniature) of the type of paper they would expect to give in due course at a real conference, using PowerPointetc as appropriate.