LAHP Student Reps Welcome Social

LAHP Student Reps are delighted to invite all new and continuing LAHP students to their Welcome Social on 14th October, from 6 pm, at the Crusting Pipe in the South Hall of Covent Garden. Please register using the following link. Since there are only a limited number of places available, please make sure you cancel your ticket if you cannot make it after all!

The Crusting Pipe is a friendly wine bar in the heart of Covent Garden market. As per our previous events, there will be (free!) wine and lots of lovely fresh faces, as well as seasoned LAHP veterans, to catch up with. Your reps will also be around to answer any questions you might have about how to apply for LAHP’s various funding pots, internships, and just life in general as a LAHP student. 

We are currently looking for new reps to join our team, and to help enable fun events and support structures such as the Welcome drinks – please do get in touch with us ( or with LAHP directly if you’re interested!

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