Research at the Royal College of Music 5 July 2022
2-5pm – Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BS

In this very special event, students and supervisors from across all LAHP partner institutions are invited to step inside the world’s number one performing arts institution and learn more about the vibrant research life at this globally unique conservatoire.
Chaired by the RCM’s Director, Professor Colin Lawson, this event will take place in the newly-built Performance Hall at the RCM’s distinctive South Kensington campus. The programme will include musical performances, presentations showcasing the work of current doctoral students, and a roundtable discussion with senior members of the RCM’s research staff.
You are also invited to attend a drinks reception in the RCM’s 1851 Courtyard following the event, providing an opportunity for you to connect with fellow researchers from across all LAHP partner institutions.
Places are limited, so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to visit the world’s number one conservatoire by registering for your place today. Details of the full schedule are provided below:
Full programme available here.
Please register via Eventbrite.